It is a life-age of the world since Lanenomen came up out of the West with the Treiana Remnant, and built his cities beside the crystal waters of the Great Inland Sea. For a thousand years and more the glory and memory of ancient Feihoth has been preserved in memory--in the works of the hands and the deeds of valor of the folk of the Seven Cities. During that time, the remnant of Starland has slowly become one in culture and blood with the folk of Orusena, though at least in name the two peoples still keep their own chieftains and customs. But there are many places, such as the Pleasant Isle, and the wide plains and fir woods of the North, where a people have arisen who count as kin both the folk of Wood and Starland, and keep alive the memory of both Feihoth of Old and the mighty arm of Orusena, who brought his people up from the wide and desolate South, seeking freedom from the hosts of Vishnarr. The Inyalia-i-parujar, the Tower of the Wood, is one such place. Its lord is Tengelbur, tall and far-sighted and mighty among the children of Starland, eldest among the third generation of those who followed the banner of Wide-Fame Lanenomen.
But rumor of war and treachery has broken at last the long peace of the Great Inland Sea, which has not known war since Gasojean was slain, and the Kodihan driven from the slopes of the Holy Hill. Rumors have come to Inyalia-i-parujar of treachery and burning, and of a watch which slept in the Hills of Jade until it was too late. Orkon, the most ancient foe of Lanenomen, was stirring in the world again, and war was kindled. Then taking thought for the defense of the passage of the northern shore, Lord Tengelbur set all things in readiness, and set a watch upon the eastern rode, so that the servants of Orkon might not pass that way for fear of envenomed darts or sudden assault by the swift horsemen of the Treianraal. In that day certain treasures were sent out of the Jade Hills to Tengelbur for safe-keeping, and he was known in those lands as Lord Tengelbur i-Kanabara, that is, Of the Road.
In those days was Anaris the Fair of Lanenkarr sent to Inyalia-i-parujar bearing in her possession the greatest treasure of the Treian people, save one only. And the treasure was hid within the Tower, but Anaris remained there with Tengelbur, for she was a high lady of the Treianraal, and much learned in lore, but she cared not for the warfare of the Cities, and all deeds of violence cast a dark shadow over her heart. And it was hoped that the treasure which she brought there would protect Inyalia-i-parujar for a time and a season, and strengthen it against assault. And she became fast in friendship with Falānarai the sister of Lord Tengelbur, who was a spinner and weaver of great renown. She was exceeding fair, though whether her heart was given to any her brother could not guess. For there were two who loved her--Karalu, the seneschal of the Tower, and Anerash, the captain of Tengelbur's outriders, whose task it was to waylay the columns of Orkon whenever they were sent probing into the West. But at last there came a day when Anerash returned, bearing word that a far greater host than they could oppose was now swarming towards the passage of the Cheyth, and that within seven nights the Inyalia-i-parujar would be besieged. Then Tengelbur looked Eastward, and with the far sight of the men of Feihoth, he discerned the burning of the Hills of Jade, and he knew that the end was upon him...
Lord Tengelbur--the Horned Things will be at your gate ere the sun again rises. What are your orders?
When last we left our heroes...
Finding themselves in another time, another place, the players struggled to come to grips with who they were now:
- Ben is playing a past (or possibly future?) version of Tengelbur, now a Treian lord in the days before the Dark Times.
- Arthur is playing a past (or possibly future?) version of Anaris, now a high lady and loremaster of the Treians.
Those whose characters had drunk the wine in the previous session found themselves playing new characters:
- Hope is playing Anerash, the captain of Lord Tengelbur's Outlanders, and one of two men vying for the hand of the lovely Falanarai.
- PJ is playing Karalu, the senschal of the tower and another aspirant to the affections of the lady Falanarai.
- Sophie is playing Falanarai, sister of Tengelbur and weaver of great power.
After taking some time to assess the situation (they are several weeks from any help, the forces of the Arjagbori are closing in in great numbers upon the Tower, and they can by no means allow the treasure which the Lady Anaris brought to the tower to fall into the hands of the Enemy), Lord Tengelbur summoned a council.
At this council, various strategies were discussed for dealing with the invaders. Failure to stop them here would almost certainly mean they would descend upon the Amborian Wood, leaving the more primitive Sothbori open to their ravages. On the other hand, the Tower could not withstand a determined siege for more than a month, even should the forces of the enemy--led, it is rumored, by a fallen Star--find no way to breach the Tower's defenses. During this council, it was revealed that the treasure which the Lady Anaris brought to the Tower is the Anvil of Lanenomen itself, a dangerous artifact which--it is rumored--has turned some to stone for merely looking upon it for too long. It has not been used, so the legends say, since Lanenomen himself forged his great spear.
In the midst of this council, the doors of the great hall blew open with a sudden gust of wind, and a white swan flew in through the doorway bearing a bright beech-nut in her beak. Planting it in the flagstones in the middle of the Hall, she transformed before their eyes into a beautiful woman clad only in white feathers. Speaking a cryptic prophecy, alluding to a Deep Man who long ago had come to her and fallen into forgetfulness, and whose soul she had stolen and hidden within a beech-nut, and warning Tengelbur that the time would soon come to let the Anvil ring, she turned and flew away again.
At last, the council made its decision: Anerash (eager to show his valor in contrast to Karalu's) would ride out to scout out the movements of the enemy; Karalu would prepare the fortress in readiness; Falanarai would retire to her chambers to begin weaving a tapestry which would, hopefully, bend fate in their favor; and Anaris and Tengelbur would ascend to the top of the Tower with the Anvil where Tengelbur would, hopefully, forge a new blade which might be capable of slaying the commander of the enemy forces.
Cautiously examining the anvil on the roof of the tower, Tengelbur and Anaris found that each side portrayed a different starscape:
- The Southern Sky, full of stars.
- The Southern Sky, as men know it today (that is, largely void of stars).
- The Western Sky, with Reinfal, the Green Lady of the sky still gleaming in her place (and not having descended to found the folk of Starland).
- The Eastern Sky, with many stars and constellations missing in the Southeastern quadrant.
- The Northern Sky, with Raos, the Polestar absent, and many stars besides.
- The Northern Sky, with Raos the Polestar gleaming, as men know it today.
As in the wood near the Tower, Anerash and his men engaged the enemy, Tengelbur chose the side of the anvil portraying Reinfal still in the sky, and struck the anvil in his forging. High upon the tower, Tengelbur Anaris began to transform, first into trees and then into stone, as the same fate befell Falanarai at her loom, Anerash and his men in the wood, and Karalu where he stood at watch upon the wall. Then...
The world seems to drop away from each of you, as you wander through the waste places of the world, hemmed between darkness and strange stars. You walk alone and unclothed for time out of mind until slowly, gradually, and then all at once, you find yourself in your body, the memories of your past life a shadow--and for some of you, only the shadow of a shadow.
Tengelbur, you adjust the chinstrap of your plumed helm as you stand at the top of the tower, overlooking the vast forest. In the distance--hundreds of leagues away--you can see, with the long sight of the men of Starland, the smoke rising from the ruin of the Seven Cities of Lanenomen. One of your aids appears at the top of the tower beside you, kneeling as he salutes.
"Lord Tengelbur... The Horned Things are coming. What are your orders?"