When last we left our heroes... The companions examined the body of the sorcerer Tanurendal's arrow had killed: they found it covered in strange, eye-shaped scars, and the remaining Njeitbori sailors quickly became convinced that they were all cursed, under the gaze of one of the Many-eyed ones. Concerning these, Vanera recalled legends that he had encountered on the periphery of the literature he had studied: of Deep Men who sometimes encountered and worshipped many-eyed monstrosities in the depths of the Sea, and whom they worshipped in occult pacts for terrible powers. But if this was a legend to Vanera, to the Njeitbori on board it was a vivid reality, and when soon a yard arm broke off and came crashing down on Tanurendal's head, the sailors took this as proof positive that the Deep One would kill them all--starting with Tanurendal--in return for having killed his prophet. Tengelbur managed to convince his men to work, and after giving the bodies a burial at sea, the companions resumed their voyage to the Leopard Isles. When they were still a few days out, they were set upon by Nalshbori pirates, but after a harrowing chase (and the exchange of a few arrows) they managed to outrun them, arriving at last at their destination:
For first-time visitors from the North, the Feirkan Kerakamu, or Leopard Isles are a marked contrast. Where the seashore of the northern coast of the sea is dark and frequently stormy, here it is white sand beaches and clear green surf flecked with seafoam. It's notably warmer here, and you find yourself inclined to shed the outer layers and heavier seafaring gear, as the warm breezes of early summer are already blowing steadily, whereas by now the North has only just finished thawing out from the long winter. The houses are quite similar in style to those in Sencankarr--whitewashed granite walls accented with blue waterstone, but here the construction is rather more spacious and most of the living spaces are open on at least three sides to the air around them, albeit with heavy shutters which could quickly be closed in case of a storm. The population, particularly of the largest island Caur-i-Klorpeim, is markedly cosmopolitan, the port city of Dlakfi Klorpeim featuring large populations of Oornan, Aaran, and Kothorlas traders, Equisliad adventurers, and Ambori from across the three corners of the Sea of Ambori. Tropical heat, Kothorlas spices, a babel of tongues, and the shouts of longshoremen all wash over you in a disorienting wave as you step onto the pier.
The companions decided to begin with going to the ancestral home of Tengelbur and Talarja, their vacation spot in the Isles, which was located some ways out of town. Arriving there, the companions found that the new Governor--Weiksura Amlalar--had taken it as his permanent residence following the declining fortunes of Tengelbur's family and the violent suppression of recent unrest in the Leopard Isles. Surrounded by the Governor's guards, they were accosted by Thauthenai, the beautiful concubine and captain of the secret police of Governor Neratsoan, for whose murder many of the companions had already been framed. Taking them inside and treating them to a fine meal and the best vintage of the family wine, Thauthenai told the now-unarmed companions how matters stood:
After the death of Governor Neratsoan (for which the companions had been framed, though in truth he had been killed by Thauthenai), Thauthenai, as part of a deal with King Onwae, married the new appointee--Weiksura Amlalar--and ran the Northern District as the real power in the governor's mansion. Following the unrest (which the companions had partially helped to foment) in the Leopard Isles, Weiksura and Thauthenai had been sent to the Leopard Isles to crush the revolt, which she seems to have done with some aplomb. There are still dissidents, however, and Thauthenai decides that Valarja will stay with her ("for safekeeping") while the companions (most of whom are wanted for crimes and/or considered legally dead) carry out a task for her: assassinating Zishunei, Mother Superior of the Convent of the Ram of Dawn--the spirtual symbol of the rebellion, and the head of the archipelago's powerful Old Rite sect...