When last we left our heroes...
We began with a funeral for Klorpeim, who had died during the desperate (and, thanks to him, successful) attempt to retake Leil Yalir. Feiala, the party's Well Woman, presided over the funeral, after which a local bard sang the "Ballad of Klorpeim."
When this was over, the Company undertook various fellowship phase undertakings for the end of Winter 452. Among these, the most noteworthy was Amsotha, who visited Sencankarr to deliver word to Klorpeim's family of Klorpeim's death. While there, he visited one of the city's countless shrines, and spoke with a Well Woman, who revealed to him a vision of his missing sister: she was lying on a slab, somewhere underground, surrounded by many other maidens similarly disposed, all dressed in white. The Well Woman saw pain, terror, and evil in her vision -- but what it meant she could not say.
In the Spring of the following year, Thoranrai received a summons by the Scarlet Sisterhood to bring the Company to the house of a Njeitbori merchant-woman by the name of Artana [Hope's new character following the death of Klorpeim], who lived in Cheykor. The Company, now including Artana, was commissioned by Talarja (a Scarlet Sisterhood Priestess the Players have encountered before now) to investigate the disappearance of an acolyte of their order, which coincides with the disappearance of several other young women in the area around the Cheyth (especially those travelling along the old King's Road). According to Talarja, the disappearance have been traced to the village of Kor-Paurja, a mining village some miles north of Cheykor. The Sisterhood has already spoken to a half-mad beggar there, one Yuralesh, who claims that they were taken into an old, abandoned mine somewhere in the hills...
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