When last we left our heroes...
Faced with the choice of futures, Anaris began to examine the six sides of the Anvil. As before, she found that it was a cube made of black metal, as dark as jet, but studded with tracings and gemstones which seemed to shine with their own light, each face showing a fragment of some kind of star chart:
- A starscape showing an empty and nearly starless Northern sky; this seemed to represent a timeline in which Raos and the other Northern Stars had joined Vishnarr in his rebellion.
- A starscape showing the Southern Sky full of its missing constellations; this seemed to manifest a timeline in which Vishnarr's rebellion never happened, and the world was unmarred. This was the side which Tengelbur previously rang to transform the army of Mawish in to the Serth Hatama.
- A starscape showing the Western sky full of stars, including additional stars and constellations not currently part of that quadrant of the sky; this seemed to point to a version of history in which Feihoth and Reinfal never left their place in the sky, and therefore the Treian peoples never came into existence.
- The Western sky barren and empty; this seemed to show a version of history in which Feihoth and Reinfal joined Vishnarr in his rebellion.
- The Southern sky, portrayed more or less identically to the way it shows today; this appears to be the version of history, including the marring of Quaodran, which has actually taken place.
- The Northern sky, portrayed more or less identically to the way it is now; this side was notable, however, for having a prominently shining gem of crystal depicting the Polestar, Raos.
After much deliberation (and a long review of the mythology and legends which had shaped Amborian history) Anaris finally chose to ring the side showing the Southern Sky full of its missing constellations; after all, this had worked out very well before. Unfortunately, she did not consider the fact that this would attempt to impose a reality on the vicinity of the floating city in which Vishnarr had never fallen, and therefore the forces of darkness had never sought out the Anvil, and there was therefore no reason for Orusen to have founded the City of Tides or for the Njeitbori to exist. As a result, the city of Amukarr began to transform to stone and sink around them.
Panicking, Anaris called upon her Dark Fate, praying to whatever dark powers in the water beneath her might hear her, and struck the anvil a second time on it's sixth face, the side portraying the shining Polestar, Raos, in the hopes that this would bring about a more favorable version of history. Instead, Anaris failed to strike well, and the anvil shattered, and Anaris and the companions found themselves falling down, down, down into darkness...
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